Registration Form
I hereby sign up for the following single yoga class / yoga class / workshop:
Appointments are binding.
After receipt of the invoice, payment is made in advance. Please use the following accounting details:
Caroline Kutscha
IBAN DE08 1203 0000 0015 1743 78
Commerzbank AG
Time shifting / cancellations / transfers to third parties possible up to 72 hours in advance.
Diseases, health / physical / mental limitations, pregnancy should be named in the appropriate form.
Participation is at your own responsibility.
Personal belongings and valuables are brought to the premises on your own responsibility, no liability for any loss.
The reference to the data protection/ privacy policy regarding the treatment of personal data in accordance with the EU Data Protection Regulation DSGVO of 25 May 2018 and the corresponding consent can be found here: Privacy Policy
By pressing the submission button you confirm that you have read these instructions.
Copyright © 2018 by Caroline Kutscha. Impressum | Datenschutzbestimmungen